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84-05 How To Write a Blog Post with a Focus

Exposure Ninja

So, you’re dead set on writing a website blog. Awesome! But where do you start? Well, step one is deciding on your blog’s focus. After all, knowing how to write a blog post is one thing. Just keep typing away until you reach 600 words. Easy!

Knowing how to write a blog post with a focus is another matter entirely. It’s not good enough just to write about your company once a week and expect people to read it (spoiler alert: they won’t).

Your customers don’t want regular updates on how good your products are. They want useful content. More than that, they want content that’s tailored to them. So, if you want to know how to write a blog post with a focus, which is going to attract readers and convert them into loyal customers, here are three top blog writing tips.

3 top blog writing tips for writing a blog post with a focus

1. Find your target audience

This should be very clear by this stage, but if it isn’t, there’s still time! Start thinking about the sort of people who are likely to buy your products. These are the people you’ll be writing for. How old are they? Which gender? What’s their job? What are their hobbies? Most importantly, what else do they read? This last question will give you an idea of what content is popular among your target market and what gets the most shares on social media.

2. Create a visual consumer profile

If you’re feeling super organised, create a visual consumer profile by collecting images that define your target audience. Collect photos of people that fit your chosen demographics and add some photos of their interests. Building a precise picture of the people you’re selling to will make it much easier to focus your blog posts.

And just for the fun of it, why not give that person a name? Hone your content marketing campaign by targeting… Trevor. Yes, let’s go with Trevor.

3. Sync your blog post ideas with your content marketing strategy

Once you know your target readership, think about how best to connect with these people. Your goal is to boost traffic to your website and turn those visits into sales, so how do you do it? Here’s an example:

Potential content marketing campaign and blog post idea: “5 surprising health benefits of exotic teas”

I run an eCommerce business selling exotic tea (I don’t, but roll with it).

My target market is young professionals with some disposable income. They’re around 21 to 35 and work in the creative industries. They’re university educated. They’re environmentally conscious and they enjoy travelling. They read the Guardian and blogs about ethical travel, veganism and politics.

How do I tailor my blog to these people?

I start by thinking about tone of voice. As they’re university educated, I shouldn’t patronise them by being overly simplistic. On the flip-side, I don’t want to be writing academic papers on tea. Come on, it’s tea!

Maybe I could write about the environmental impact of industrial tea farming (with a subtle link to my organic tea product page). Not only would this be relevant to my products; it’s also a topic that my readers care about.

My next post could be about the health benefits of certain teas, or the best way to make tea to preserve all the good stuff within it. Once the ball is rolling, the possibilities are endless!

Knowing How To Plan and Write a Blog Post with Focus

Your content marketing campaign should start with an awesome on-site blog, so you need to know how to write a blog post with focus. Once you get that off the ground, you can start looking into content marketing outreach — like sponsored content and guest posting — to really grow your online presence.

We’ve got a bunch of other tips in our best-selling content marketing book, so check those out to build yourself a custom content marketing strategy.


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