Exposure Ninja
“Why do I need a blog?” is a question we hear many business owners ask. After all, you got into your business to do… whatever it is that you do! You didn’t get into to it to become a writer — unless yours is a writing business, of course.
However, there’s a reason that most of the world’s biggest companies have a blog — and that reason isn’t just “because it’s fun” (although it is fun). On-site blogging gives your company a voice, allows you to interact with your customers, and brings a host of other benefits.
On this page, we’ll talk about the benefits of a blog and then help you decide if your business — yes, yours — needs a blog.
(Spoiler: it does)
3 reasons why blogging is awesome
At Exposure Ninja, we never stop banging the blogging drum. A strong content marketing campaign will revolve around a solid on-site blog, so it’s definitely something to get into. But don’t just take our word for it: here are some of the main reasons why blogging is awesome.
1. A chance to drink some delicious SEO Juice
Having a blog strengthens your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO), which means you’ll be more likely to appear on relevant Google searches. “How?” I hear you ask. Well, regularly adding new pages to your website (in the form of blog posts) gives Google more data to search through — which it loves.
Pack those blog posts full of keywords you’d like to rank highly for (but don’t overdo it…) and search engines will start to see your business as a reliable source of information. For example, if you’re a florist in Nottingham, you’ll want to appear whenever someone searches “florist in Nottingham”. Writing SEO-friendly blog posts — those which include this phrase (and your other target keywords) — will help you climb the Google rankings.
Backlinks to your blog will also help it to climb the Google rankings. This is because — when you’re writing a guest post or a sponsored post for another website — you may need somewhere to direct a backlink to your website. What’s more, fans of your blog may choose to link to it naturally. If you’ve created something awesome, original and interesting, it shouldn’t surprise you when it starts to earn backlinks of its own accord.
Blogging also provides content for you to share on your social media channels. As long as you write killer headlines and use swish photographs, you’ll attract readers from all over the internet. All of this is why blogging is so important.
2. A chance to let your brand speak
As well as providing technical benefits, an on-site blog is your company’s voice. It’s the mouthpiece of your brand, so it’s important to write in a style that represents your business. In an age when many corporations appear faceless, having a blog gives you the chance to stand out. Show your customers that you’re not just after their cash — you want to make their lives better.
Your social media channels do the same job, but blogging lets you go into more detail. You can write updates on industry news, relevant how-to guides and opinion pieces that your audience might be interested in. Check out our page on how to come up with engaging blog topics if you’re looking for inspiration.
3. A chance to interact with customers and other influencers
Like social media, on-site blogging gives you a chance to communicate with your customers. Having a comments section below each post means you can get an insight into the minds of your target market.
Once your blog is attracting a fair few views, you’ll find that you get comments from other people in your industry. These might not be customers, but you shouldn’t ignore them. Making a name for yourself in your niche is an awesome way of creating future content marketing outreach opportunities and building your reputation as a blogger. Spend some time interacting with other blogs and people will start seeing you as the go-to guy/gal in your field.
What types of businesses need a blog?
The short answer is every business needs a blog. Whether you’re a florist or a photographer, a dentist or a dog groomer, your content marketing strategy should include on-site blogging. Even if you’re in an industry that seems a little dry and un-click-worthy, your business could still benefit. Either you choose to go without and risk being left behind, or you scream “Yes!” and start trailblazing.
But, why do I need a blog? My business is too niche…
No, it isn’t! There are now more than three billion people using the internet and they all have different interests. The likelihood of there being absolutely no readership for your blog is zero. Zilch. Nada. Even if you’re in an industry that is less popular among internet users, the SEO benefits of on-site blogging alone make it worthwhile.
In short, if you asked us: “Why do I need a blog?”
We would answer,:“Why not have a blog?
Okay, but my competitors haven’t got a blog…
If that’s the case, it’s your lucky day. You now have — laid before you — an opportunity to blow your competition out of the water. Make your blog the most useful resource on the internet for your target market and the readers will come flooding in.
Once you’ve got them on your website, you need to figure out a plan to convert them into customers.
Okay, but my competitors already run a successful blog…
Exactly. You’re a few steps behind, but it’s not the end of the world. As the old saying goes, the best time the plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is right now.
With a solid plan of action and some tasty blog topics, you can make up that shortfall in no time.
If you need help with starting your own kick-ass business blog, contact Exposure Ninja and we will give you a FREE website review, telling you — in plain English — what you need to work on.