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93-14 Editing Software that I Use/Have Used

Plotrr: a plot layout and analysis program: Good but can be clunky and it’s difficult/impossible to be able to get a whole manuscript on the screen.

Wordrake: As I write finish a scene, I use it to correct grammatical mistakes and reduce excess verbositity. It will make suggestions for you to accept/reject.

Prowriting Aid: As I finish a chapter, I use it to catch higher level grammatical mistakes that Wordrake doesn’t catch. I also use it to improve for glue words, sentence structure. It will make suggestions that I can accept or decline in about 30 different categories. I use it to improve my story.

Stylewriter. An old UK company program. I use it to do final top-level analysis by chapter. It is clunky, but it is also the most comprehensive of all. The greatest drawback is that it does not make suggestions; you have to figure it out by yourself.

Grammerly – Don’t Use It !!! It is not your program on your computer. Instead the program downloads everything on your computer to their company and does the analysis on their computer. There is no privacy: they read whatever you bring up on your screen. – not just your word documents.


Rev Dr E. William (Liam) Petter    -   e-mail:    -    Address: 2831 El Dorado Pkwy, Ste 103-443, Frisco, Tx 75033

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