Story Grid
1 Inciting Incident Challenges the Protagonoist's Status Quo
2 Protagonist Leaves Home to Seek Fortune
3 Forced to Adapt to a New Environment, Protagpnist Tries to Rely on Old Habits, Humiliating Themselves
4 Protagonist Learns what Antagonist's Object of Desire Is, and Sets Out to Achieve It Themselves
5 Protagonist's Initial Strategy to Out-Maneuver the Antagonist Fails
6 During an All-is-Lost Moment, Protagonist Learns They Must Change Their Definition of Success or Risk Betraying Their Principles
7 Core Event: Protagonist Chooses Either to Do what's Necessary to Achieve Higher Status or Reject the World They Strived to Join
8 Protagonist Saves or Looses Themselves Based on Their Core Event Choice
1 Pathetic - Starts Low, Ends Low
2 Tragic - Starts High, Ends Low
3 Sentimental - Starts Low, Ends High
4 Admiration - Starts High, Ends High
1 Strong Mentor Figure
2 Large Social Problems as a Sub-Text
3 Herald or Threshold Guardian
4 Clear Point of No Return for Protagonist
5 Ironic or Bittersweet Ending