Shawn Coyle and others
Internal Genre–Redemption/Morality
1. The state of selfishness scene. Remember that we are going to make our protagonist change from a self-obsessed person to one who sacrifices for the good of another or a group. So when first introduced, we want a protagonist in heated pursuit of one or more of the following: success, fortune, fame, sex, power…
2. The sidekick scene is that there is at least one character who serves as a spiritual guide/sidekick, someone who helps the protagonist move from living completely inside their own universe to someone engaged in the greater world, capable of deep caring for others.
3. Truth will Out Scene, which is a requirement for all of the Internal Genres—Worldview (Education, Revelation, Maturation and Disillusionment), Status (Sentimental, Pathetic, Tragic, and Admiration) and Morality (Punitive Redemption and Testing).
For the Redemption Story, this is the critical moment when the tumblers inside the protagonist’s head finally align and the lock that’s been holding back the deep truth of his life (being alone is hell) clicks open.
“Without a clear and cathartic TRUTH WILL OUT scene, your Redemption Story simply won’t work. Crack this puppy and the rest of the story will pretty much write itself.” Shawn Coyne
5. CONTEMPLATING THE ABYSS. (Which is essentially the ALL IS LOST MOMENT) This is a scene when the protagonist, who now sees the truth about his life, has to understand what he’s going to lose if he adopts the new way of living.
6. THE BIG EVENT. This is the moment promised by the beginning hook. The protagonist must lose The Big Event, but win the internal battle. A Redemption Story must have a “winning for losing” resolution.