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Rachelle Gardner

I’ve got an e-book available on Amazon:

How Do I Decide? Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing can help authors figure out which path to take.

How Do I Decide? is a concise, definitive resource that will guide you through the decision, allowing you to ignore the noise and hype and focus on the right path for YOU. This is a fair and balanced approach that avoids favoring one choice over the other—and instead shows you how to determine which best fits your own situation.

About 50 pages jammed full of insider information, How Do I Decide? gives you the facts you need to make an informed choice. It walks you through the various steps of the publishing process so you can determine which road best suits your personal goals, temperament, and level of previous publishing experience.

How Do I Decide? is brief yet comprehensive, and includes:

• an overview of the current publishing landscape• an outline of the path to publishing• a user-friendly checklist to help you figure out your path• pros and cons of traditional publishing• pros and cons of self-publishing


• An eye-opening infographic that’ll help you decide• A “quiz” to streamline your decision-making process• Additional resources with links to further information

The e-book is only $2.99 on Amazon. Check it out if you’re considering which path to take!


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