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This is the Home Page for the Rev. Dr. E. William Petter
(a pen name)
Why a pen Name? It eliminates 80% of the crank calls
The sub-genre of these novels is Christian Biblical Fiction, usually found in the Historical Fiction shelf in a bookstore. The events portrayed are true to the Bible, history and archaeology. However, the Bible does not have the depth and breadth to give a novel-length, word-for-word narrative of all that happened, so my novels have to expand the events and dialogue. In summary, "it could have happened like this."
The Rev. Dr. E. William Petter is a retired Episcopal Priest with a thirty-year career in Quality, and a former Officer of Marines
He and his wife now reside in the Dallas, Texas, area.
What are my Beliefs?
I subscribe to a modified mantra...God said it, I believe it, That settles it
The problem is that this is too simplistic. It requires another step
- Humanity has a tendency to complicate and obfuscate the message, however...I interpret the Bible faithfully according to my denomination's interpretation.
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